India is heading towards an entrepreneur country

Suddenly I noticed, in my facebook friend's list I find many friends with their current professional status as "Founder & CEO of XYZ". I am really glad to see the increase in entrepreneurial temperament among us. India is becoming an entrepreneur's country, now enterprising youth is not a dependent job seeker but a ambitious job creator. People feeling proud to say that they are an entrepreneur, and they are doing good with their start-ups. Surprisingly not only technology or design based start-ups but many entirely different innovative ideas are converting into business models.
Most of them are not from any business school of repute; neither they belong to any business family nor a rejected jobless fellow. They have vision, they have plan, they have willingness to change, the are determined to take their country to rank one. Surely no one can stop us from becoming the leader of the world. Someone told me that out of every seven start-ups in USA one is by an Indian. If once we can do it in USA, of course we can do it again at our home.
Here I am not talking about mega markets of India viz. Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi, Pune etc. but a tier III city like Patna, small town like Muzaffarpur, Bhagalpur etc. of a comparatively weaker state Bihar. Undoubtedly, challenges are unlimited, resources are small, market is not at it's best, but the energy and determination is limitless. No one can stop this country from choosing the path of self dependency and financial freedom in real meaning.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

i totally agree with u prafull..nice post..i landed here through ur linkedin profile

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