RPSIT Alumni Network
I am really glad to announce the RPSIT Alumni Network. For a long time this network was needed so the alumni may reconnect, share experience, exchange ideas and motivate youngsters. After a homework of one year, recently the RPSIT Alumni Network launched. Currently we the network is also available on Facebook, Google Groups for connectivity. More than 250 alumni has joined the network in first two days. At present students from all the batches are in the group starting from 1995-99 batch to 2005-09 batch. The charter of RPSIT Alumni Network has been drafted and at present it is under review by alumni network.
We are planning for organize alumni reunion, and looking forward for your valuable opinion/suggestions. The objective is to establish connectivity among alumni of the institution. This reunion will also have webcast and video conference facility so we can reach out maximum possible number so alumni. Join the RPSIT Alumni Network Group of Facebook, Feel free to write your suggestion and query.
RPSIT Alumni Network
Reviewed by Kumar Prafull
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Rating: 5